Nature Happenings

  • Green-winged Teals are migrating south.
  • Fox Sparrows, a large sparrow, may be seen under feeders during their autumn migration.
  • Mid-October brings the greatest variety of migrating raptors, including Golden Eagles and Red-shouldered Hawks.
  • Autumn colors peak in the third week of October.
  • Goldenrods, Asters, Bonesets and Blazing Stars are in bloom.
  • Waterfowl migration continues to build.
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have departed by the 15th.
  • Most Wood Ducks migrate south this month.
  • White-tailed Deer bucks go into rut.
  • Juncos and White-throated Sparrows become common at feeders.
  • Woodchucks are feeding profusely in preparation for hibernation.
  • Beavers are very active in the evenings while caching a winter supply of food.
  • Look for American Tree Sparrows at your feeders.
  • Orionids meteor shower is late-October.