Fun Facts About Starlings
The European Starling was introduced into North America when the "American Acclimatization Society" for European settlers released some 80-100 birds in Central Park (New York City) in 1890-91. The head of this particular organization, Eugene Scheiffelin, desired to introduce all birds ever mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare.
- Since its introduction into North America in 1891, European Starling populations have grown to over 200 million birds and they can now be found coast to coast and in Alaska.
- The European Starling, introduced to North America in 1891, has had a significant impact on our native birds. In particular, its intense competition for nesting cavities has had a negative impact on many cavity-nesting species such as Bluebirds, woodpeckers and Purple Martins.
- Rather than clamping their bill shut, starlings’ jaw muscles work to force it open giving them a great advantage when digging for grubs, worms, and bugs in the yard.
- To glean insects and invertebrates, you can watch starlings poking their beaks into the ground, opening wide to spread the soil and then picking out exposed larvae and earthworms.
- Starlings, as members of the Sturnidae family, are cousins to the Mynah bird and are outstanding mimics. Individuals have been known to mimic the calls of up to 20 different bird species.
- Starlings have an impressive array of songs and may have a repertoire of over 60 different types.
- Starlings were at one time considered a game bird in Europe and were hunted for food.
- Starlings often return to the same nest cavity to raise their young each year.
- Bird banding records show the longest known life-span for a Starling in North America to be over 15 years old.
- European Starlings have a highly adaptable diet and eat a wide variety of foods, such as snails, worms, millipedes, and spiders, in addition to fruits, berries, grains, and seeds.
- Starlings can play an important role in reducing the numbers of some of the major insect pests that damage farm crops.
- Starlings in the Midwestern United States migrate south in the winter, but starlings in the East tend to be year-round residents. Young birds migrate farther than older birds.
- Migrating flocks of Starlings can reach enormous numbers; flocks of 100,000 birds are not uncommon.
- The European Starling is one of only three birds not protected by the United States government. The House Sparrow and the pigeon are the other two.